A bio-machanical assessment involves clinical examination of how well your feet are functioning. In other words how efficient are your feet, do they hurt, why do they hurt, bio-mechanical assessment tries to establish causes of general foot and lower limb pain.
The chiropodist/podiatrist will assess foot function in relation to the rest of your body, mainly the lower leg, knees, hips, pelvis and lower back. They will also assess your gait pattern. The chiropodist will establish your foot type and identify any foot irregularities or abnormalities which may be contributing to generalised foot pain, or indeed knee hip pain, lower back. They may also identify any postural issues and problems with your gait. Foot abnormalities and irregularities are a major contributing factor in many foot pathologies (problems/conditions). Bio-meachanical assessment will aim to identify the cause and effect of any foot problems that a patient may be suffering from.
Stockport Chiropody Clinic provide full bio-mecahnical assessment and can offer advice or prescribe orthotics (shoe insoles) if they are required to correct and foot abnormalities or irregularities found in the foot. Orthotics can benefit a huge range of individuals and to treat a large variety of different foot conditions. In more simple terms orthotics (shoe Inserts) offer more support for your feet and therefore improve foot function, reducing generalised pain.
At the clinic we use ICB moulded insoles/orthotics that have been specifically designed to relieve pain and discomfort by correcting your bodies alignment. ICB insoles/orthotics are a fantastic affordable product than can be easily fitted within the clinic. This is all done as part of a full bio-mechanical assessment, and the patient can walk away with a comfortable affordable functional orthotic.
If you are experiencing any foot pain or problems with your feet, lower leg, knee, hip, pelvis or lower back, then orthotics may be able to relieve pain and symptoms.
Please contact the clinic for further details.
From £45 to £80